
NAUTILUS Navigator

Here we demonstrate an interactive multiobjective optimization for solving a three-objective optimization problem where the aim to identify the improvements that can be carried out in the auxiliary services of a power plant in order to enhance its efficiency, taking into account energy savings and economic criteria. The method used is called NAUTILUS Navigator.

DEMO Tutorial on Implementing and Using Evolutionary Algorithms with DESDEO

Presentor: Bhupinder Singh Saini

DEMO Tutorial on eXplainable AI (XAI)

Presentor: Tuomo Kalliokoski

DEMO Tutorial on DESDEO: The Modular and Open Source Framework for Interactive Multiobjective Optimization

Presentor: Giovanni Misitano

DEMO Tutorial on Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty

Presentor: Babooshka Shavazipour

DESDEO23 Forum: Tutorial 3 - Solving a real data-driven multiobjective optimization problem

The third tutorial given during the DESDEO23 Forum by Bhupinder Sings Saini about solving a real data-driven multiobjective optimization problem utilizing the DESDEO framework. The slides of the tutorial are available on DESDEO's website:

DESDEO23 Forum: Tutorial 2 - Utilizing the DESDEO framework and adding new contents to DESDEO

The second tutorial of the DESDEO23 Forum given by Juuso Pajasmaa about utilizing and adding new contents to the DESDEO framework. The slides of the presentation are available on DESDEO's website:

DESDEO23 Forum: Tutorial 1 - Structure of DESDEO

The first tutorial given by Giovanni Misitano on the structure of DESDEO. The tutorial begins with a short introduction to some background concepts. The slides of the presentation are available on DESDEO's website:

DEMO Tutorial on Cognitive and Affective Processes in Decision Making

Presentor: Johanna Silvennoinen (Cognitive Science, Faculty of IT) Abstract: The focus of this tutorial is on presenting a cognitive scientific perspective to decision making. The intertwined relation of cognition and affect in decision making is presented with examples of cognitive biases and judgment heuristics, followed with a description of cognitive load theory. Dual processing theories are discussed with the fuzzy trace theory in expert decision making. The tutorial ends by discussing issues of cognitive control, varieties of uncertainty, and emotion regulation in decision making.

DEMO Tutorial on Visualization for Decision Support in Many-Objective Optimization

Presentor: Jussi Hakanen (Faculty of IT) Abstract: This tutorial presents the state-of-the-art visualization for decision support processes in problems with many objectives. Visualization is an important part of a constructive decision-making process for examining real-world many-objective problems. We start by discussing how visualization can be applied in different phases of the decision-making process. Then, we briefly review selected state-of-the-art visualization approaches in terms of what is available and what is typically used. Guidance is provided for choosing and applying visualization techniques including recommendations from the field of visual analytics. Lastly, we conclude with suggested future research directions for advancing the scope and impact of many-objective optimization when confronting complex decision-making contexts

DEMO Tutorial on (Interactive) Multiobjective Optimization

Presentor: Kaisa Miettinen (Faculty of IT) Abstract: In various real-life problems, we have multiple conflicting objectives that characterize the goodness of a decision and some decision support is needed to find the best balance among the conflicting objectives. We consider these multiobjective optimization problems and introduce different types of methods for solving them. The methods aim at supporting a decision maker, an expert in the problem domain, in finding the best compromise solution, where all objectives reach satisfactory values simultaneously. This requires preference information from the decision maker in some form or another. We pay most attention to interactive methods, where a solution pattern is formed and repeated several times, and in each iteration, further information about the decision maker's preferences is inquired. In this way, the decision maker can learn about the nature of the problem and about the interdependencies among the objectives. (S)he can also adjust one's preferences while learning and concentrate on such solutions that seem most promising. Finally, some applications are considered (e.g. in health care, forest management and industrial processes) and experiences of solving them with the methods described are discussed.