Our group in brief


The Multiobjective Optimization Group of the University of Jyväskylä

The Multiobjective Optimization Group of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland is headed by Prof. Kaisa Miettinen. It was established in 1998. The research interests of the group are focused on (nonlinear) multiobjective optimization in the presence of conflicting objectives.


Main activities of our group

Method development

We design new and better ways to solve multiobjective optimization problems incorporating the preferences of a decision maker (who is assumed to be a domain expert). This includes the development of new interactive methods that can be of different types: scalarization-based, evolutionary, or hybrid. Another characteristic of the methods developed is application-independence, enabling their use across diverse domains without necessitating modifications.

Software development

All the methods we develop are openly available to be utilized and extended by others. We develop the open source software framework DESDEO, which is a free, modular Python-based framework for applying, developing and experimenting with interactive multiobjective optimization methods. DESDEO contains implementations of several interactive methods and modules that can be utilized to implement further methods. For more information of DESDEO, visit desdeo.it.jyu.fi.

Real-world applications

Our research is inspired by real-life applications with the interest of supporting decision making. We have expertise in solving both simulation-based and data-driven problems.


Decision Analytics unitizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO) thematic research area

The Multiobjective Optimization Group is active in the Decision Analytics unitizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO) thematic research area of the University of Jyväskylä. We are interested in employing artificial intelligence, machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence for supporting decision-making as well as supporting groups of decision makers instead of a single decision maker. We also apply and develop visualizations to support decision makers.